Emergency services: public service mission for Ramsay Santé
In France, Ramsay Santé has a public service mission through the integrated emergency services in 24 of its hospitals throughout the country. In 2018, Ramsay Santé's emergency services received nearly 600,000 people.
The subject of emergencies has become a crucial social issue in France. With more than 21.4 million visits recorded in 2017, up 2.1% in one year, the number of emergency visits has doubled in twenty years.
In this context, Ramsay Santé has been investing for several years to increase its reception capacity and is working with practitioners and care teams to reorganise services with the aim of reducing waiting times in its emergency departments.
This approach is reflected in the total transparency of our waiting times for patients:
- In France, Ramsay Santé displays online and in real time the waiting times and throughput times in its emergency services, on their websites and on its mobile app.
- Less than 30 minutes: the average waiting time between admission and the start of treatment in our emergency services for 85% of our patients.
Efficient organisation: the example of the new emergency rooms at the Hôpital privé de l'Ouest Parisien (Trappes, France).
To complement this emergency care offer and meet the needs of the population, while fighting against the medical deserts, Ramsay Santé has opened in France, 8 reception structures for non-programmed care, renamed "SOS Soins urgents".
They are located within our facilities and offer consultations without an appointment with specialised doctors.
They benefit from the proximity of technical facilities (radiology, ultrasound, etc) and examinations to provide complementary care and to relieve the emergency services.
In Sweden, our group manages the only private hospital with an emergency department: St Göran in Stockholm.
- elected best hospital in Sweden in 2019 (category Small hospital) by Dagens Medicin
- highest score on quality indicators in 2018 for the 4th consecutive year
- 100,000 visits per year
- average wait time to see a doctor: 30 minutes
Key figures (2019):
- 45 emergency services in our MCO facilities
- + 900,000 passages in emergencies/year