How to lower the threshold for trying new things ?
Åsa-Maria Birgersson is the assistant manager responsible for quality improvement at Sollentunageriatriken, a geriatric hospital in Capio, Sweden. They have done several innovative projects in the last year, both smaller and larger ones. Some of them with companies from previous Pitching days.
Åsa-Maria, please share your learnings!
· Dare to simplify. Start with a small group of users and patients for a short period. It should not feel like a burden for the nurses involved, but like something fun and interesting.
· Then evaluate briefly, both from the patient’s side and the health professionals. What good comes out of it? Is it worth the time? Is it good for us? Could it be of better use in another setting? Then suggest the idea to other parts of the business area.
It’s crucial that the culture is safe and it’s ok to try, fail, learn, and share. Then you can enjoy the satisfaction of contributing to an immediate impact on a patient’s level.
Thanks for Sharing, Åsa-Maria!
We know that culture varies a lot in working life. How is your culture?