Facing the Coronavirus: the union of the group makes the strength
on 2020/04/07

While hospitals and clinics in the Ile-de-France region are being hit hard by the Covid-19 epidemic, solidarity between the establishments of the Ramsay Santé group is being organized. In one week, more than 140 healthcare and administrative staff have volunteered to go to the Paris region to help their colleagues. A look back at an unprecedented initiative.
For several weeks now, the staff of French healthcare institutions have been working night and day with their patients, whether or not they are affected by the coronavirus. In Île-de-France, where the population density is the highest, the capacity of healthcare institutions has had to be increased. But it was also necessary to find reinforcements to relieve the teams.
Teams under stress and a call for solidarity
"The health crisis accelerated in the Paris region on the weekend of March 28-29 with the increase in the flow of covid+ patients in our establishments," explains Nathalie Martinet, HR Director for Île-de-France operations.
During the weekend, a call for volunteers was sent out to the group's other divisions to come and relieve the Paris Region teams under stress. As a result, caregivers from the Artois, Aquitaine, Burgundy, Bresse-Savoie, Caen, CERS, Grand-Est, Le Havre, Lille, Loire & Drôme, Lyon, Marseille and Toulouse clusters were present.
"Everything went very quickly. In a few days, more than 140 people joined the Paris region! "Nurses, nurses' aides, doctors and administrative staff joined the ranks of health care personnel in the capital and its surroundings.
A mobilized group at work
Everyone had a role to play in organizing this transfer of caregivers. "Each institution took charge of the logistics of transporting the volunteers. Buses chartered for the occasion, trains, car pooling, group health transport... everything was done to ensure that the staff reinforcements arrived as quickly as possible. »
On site, the town halls were mobilized to find vacant housing. Some hospitals and clinics have vacated rooms to accommodate the volunteers. But not only that. "Individuals who usually rent accommodation via Airbnb have offered to make them available free of charge. Some hotels also offered rooms at very reduced rates. »
In the establishments, the human resources teams are responsible for welcoming support staff and delivering their meals. Over the next few weeks, several waves of caregivers will be added to the teams in the Île-de-France region, thanks to a rotation system. "Some people stay for a weekend, others for a whole week or more. They are then relieved by new volunteers. »
"Everything was set up extremely quickly, notes Nathalie Martinet. This shows us the strength of individual and collective initiatives, as well as the links that exist within the Ramsay Santé group. »
On social networks, positive reactions to this initiative are multiplying. "Reinforcements are welcomed with great enthusiasm and this team spirit is a great balm for our employees. »